Archive for the ‘Planning’ Category


Posted: November 12, 2011 in organisation, Planning
1 Zoom into Mid shot Photoshopped ext. of theatre 00.03
2 Extreme close up Henry playing the piano 00.06
3 Tracking shot/extr. Close up Will’s feet as he walks in garden Dolly 00.05
4 Mid shot Bench in left third of frame 00.06
5 Mid shot Will sat on bench lip syncing 00.03
6 Long shot Will walking from bench 00.05
7 Extreme close up Henry’s fingers as he plays the piano 00.02
8 Long shot Will walking from bench Reversed in Final Cut 00.05
9 Extreme Close up Will on bench Newspaper headline (Photoshop) 00.02
10 Extreme close up Will’s lips 00.04
11 Montage of newspaper headlines Created in Photoshop 00.03
12 Close up Will’s head as he lip syncs Replicated thrice in Final Cut 00.06
13 Extreme close up Will gurns Low angle lighting 00.02
14 Mid shot Will touches Henry’s shoulder 00.06
15 Extreme close up Will’s face 00.05
16 Extreme close up Henry playing piano 00.06
17 Montage of newspaper headlines Created in Photoshop 00.04
18 Low angle mid shot Will cleaning glasses 00.02
19 Mid shot Will stood over Henry at Piano 00.01
20 Close up Will’s head as he lip sync’s 00.07
21 Mid shot Will touches Henry’s shoulder 00.02
22 Montage of newspaper headlines 00.05
23 Pan out from mid shot Will lip syncing dolly 00.06
24 Montage of newspaper headlines Created in Photoshop 00.03
25 Fixed mid shot Will runs into bush Reversed in Final Cut 00.05
26 Extreme close up Will gurns Low angle lighting 00.02
27 Pan out from extreme close up Will’s face concealed by darkness Ariel lighting from the right 00.04
28 Extreme close up Henry playing the piano 00.03
29 Extreme close up Will’s head Replicated thrice in Final Cut 00.01
30 Photoshopped headline Created in Photoshop 00.04
31 Extreme close up Henry playing the piano 00.03
32 Extreme close up Will’s eyes 00.05
33 Mid shot Will lip syncs Photoshopped headlines fade in and out 00.05
34 Extreme close up Will’s smiles 00.05
35 Photoshopped newspaper headline Created in Photoshop 00.02
36 Extreme close up Side of will’s head 00.03
37 Long shot Montage of Will dancing 00.05
38 Extreme close up Henry playing piano 00.04
39 Close up of photoshopped headlines Created in Photoshop 00.08
40 Close up Will is partially out of frame Depth of field 00.02
41 Close up Will touches Henry’s shoulder Reversed in Final Cut 00.03
42 Extreme close up Will’s eyes as he puts glasses on 00.04
43 Close up Henry lip syncing at piano 00.03
44 Extreme close up Will’s mouth as he lip syncs 00.02
45 Long shot Will peeing in bush Sped up in Final cut 00.07
46 Close up Henry playing piano Sped up in Final Cut 00.07
47 Photoshopped headline Created in Photoshop 00.04
48 Zoom out Photoshopped ext. of theatre Created in Photoshop 00.07
49 Tracking shot/mid shot Fixed mid shot of Will in ‘Psycho’ Desaturated in Final Cut/slowed down/dolly 00.15
50 Extreme close up Fly on will’s hand Slowed down in Photoshop 00.08
51 Mid shot Will’s face as he smiles Superimpose with Photoshopped skull 00.10

A modest post title there, I feel. Anyway, here is my new idea briefly documented for your discerning eyes. The characters of Tommy Shuttle and Harry Cock remain as I know I will revel in word play and puerile punning over time.

We open with a zoom in on a 1950s theatre marquee heralding that ‘For One Night Only: Shuttle & Cock’ will be performing. This is married with applause as we fade into an extreme close up of Tommy Shuttle (Henry Saker Clark) playing the piano. We see Harry Cock (Will Hunter) appear spontaneously on a park bench as he sings the opening lines to the song.

As the video progresses, the truth behind their relationship begins to unfold. Newspaper headlines subtly creep in revealing that ‘Harry Cock Ate My Hamster’, ‘Cock Caught With His… Manhood Out In Local Park’ and ‘Comic Caught With Prostitutes’ until we see that infamous yet inevitable front page: ‘Shuttle and Cock Split After 72 Years As Kings Of Comedy’. It becomes clear that Cock is now a D List celebrity, hanging around in parks. He is full of indignation as he watches his once comedy partner rocket to super stardom as a solo pianist; his first album ‘Pointless Nostalgic’ goes Platinum.

And then, Tommy Shuttle is accidentally murdered by his once loyal comedy partner. The papers mourn the passing of a ‘hero’ and ‘musical legend’ as Shuttle flies over the net and up to heaven; Harry Cock is sectioned in Broadmoor.

We close with an affection headline, a tribute to Tommy Shuttle: ‘he played all the right notes, but nor necessarily in the right order’. We cut to the theare marquee that opened this tragedy and we fade out on the words ‘In Memory Of Tommy Shuttle’. Ah.

Even though the narrative is bizarre and superficially stupid, I believe it is packed with social and cultural statements; I address celebrity culture and all its idiosyncrasies and foibles; the now-common axiom that everyone has fifteen minutes of fame is tackled head on. In the twenty first century, Strinati and art collector Saatchi stress that there is an emphasis on ‘style over substance’; celebrities can be created instantaneously and fame can open over night when really, the said ‘star’ has no talent whatsoever. Look at Susan Boyle!

I realise that I have filmed several shots of my leading men already as they gurn, grimace and lip sync in the hall. Similarly, Will has been shot in the sixth form garden playing around with the camera; like Gervais, I feel improvisation can often lead to marvellous magic on the screen. I don’t want to let these shots go to waste and I will incorporate them in the storyboards of my new idea. The black and white music hall shots that were filmed in the hall give the narrative a melancholy nostalgia and suggest that this lust for fame and worship of ‘celebrity’ is a timeless axiom; Only today is it more overt because of the wave of reality TV.

Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? is subtly referenced through the relationship between the characters, the plot and indeed, the repeated low angle mid shot of Will looming over Henry as he plays the piano is synonymous with the movie.

So, below are the new storyboards for the new idea. The shooting script stays the same as the locations, dates and times are all still valid and indeed, identical. Really, I feel much more confident and enthusiastic about this idea, it is marked with personality, satire and wit. I’m sure, over time the idea will evolve again and as I begin to mock up the newspaper front pages in Photo Shop depicting the punning headlines, I will inevitably get carried away! So, in the words of The Tenth Doctor: ‘Allon-sy!’ (‘Let’s go’ in French to the non-Whovian or French speaking citizen)



Wednesday 2nd November 2/7/14/16/19/21/28/31/38/41/43/46 WILL AND HENRY/School Hall/Lights and keys collected from Grounds man at 1.30 1.55 3.45 Mac

Carrier Bag

Extension lead

Wednesday 9th November 3/4/5/6/8/18/25/45 WILL/Sixth Form Garden 1.00 4.00 Mac

Carrier bag

Water bottle

Playing cards

Wednesday 15th November 1/9/10/11/12/13/15/17/20/22/23/24/26/27/29/30/32/33/34/35/36/37/39/40/42/44/47/48/49/50/51 WILL/Green screen in Room 18 1.00 4.00 Mac


Location, Location, Location

Posted: October 20, 2011 in organisation, Planning

Don’t despair, this isn’t a post waxing lyrical about the tediously boringly dull property programme; instead I’m listing suggested locations for the shoot!

SET: I will use the school hall to create the recording studio; the vast space and lighting is akin to this setting; the grand piano in the hall will feature in the video. Extreme close ups of Henry playing the piano will be desaturated to nod at the old jazz footage of yesteryear.

SIXTH FORM GARDEN: As Will waits for Henry, he makes his way to a bench in a park with a carrier bag full of tat; he is the archetypal nutter! Extreme close ups of him in bushes, playing with cards and lying on the bench show he is unhinged. Extreme long shots as he roams the park will show how lonely he is; is life is void of company. It also reflects how fickle and fleeting fame is. As Warhol said, ‘everyone will have fifteen minuted of fame’. After that, you’re somebody or a nobody. Will is a nobody. A nobody roaming an empty park in a mac!

WED 3RD NOV – Main Hall – Henry On Piano/Extreme Close Ups Of Will’s Face

WED 10TH NOV – 6TH FORM GARDEN – Will Roaming Park – Improvisational Work

Story boards

Posted: October 20, 2011 in organisation, Planning

Here are the story boards for my music video telling the story of comedy double act Harry Shuttle & Jimmy Cock! These are just initial ideas but I’m sure they will evolve and develop over time.

As a director, I want to encourage Will to improvise and play around with the camera; Ricky Gervais works like this.

Pitch: Pointless Nostalgic

Posted: October 7, 2011 in Development, Planning

The past is a labyrinth of memory, images and forgotten faces; Jamie Cullum’s jazzy soul song Pointless Nostalgic is all about the past. Imagine Josh Brown playing a grand piano littered with oversized picture frames, giant mounts and mirrors of varying shapes and sizes representing the maze of time and memory. The mirrors would throw light in all directions and capture different facets of Josh’s face; showing how we change threw time. The endless picture frames and mounts create a visual and literal maze for the camera to meander through; recollection is a journey. The video would open with a close up of Josh’s hands playing the moody opening bars. We cut to a close up of a picture frame framing a picture of a picture frame framing a picture frame and so on suggesting the infinity of time. A pan out reveals the cluttered piano; larger cracked mirrors stand tall showing how time distorts. This concept would form the bulk of the video. Fills of Josh lip sinking, looking in smashed mirrors distorting his appearance and snap shot photography will pepper the video. I believe this video visually depicts the process of memory, journey and time with great effect.

The second idea is as follows. Time is vast, open and infinite. Time and memory form our legacy in history. When we think of the legacy of the human race, we think of people; Winston Churchill, Margaret thatcher and Madonna. Frank Sinatra, Nelson Mandela and Bruce Forsyth. If we could use found footage, I would have Josh sing at the coronation of the Queen or duet with The Rat Pack. However, to acheive a similar effect on a comical scale, my close friend, comedy collaboratar and husband, Will Hunter, will play all these characters. He will be dressed as Monroe and his dress will blow in the wind, he will dance like Madonna and in a toga and flip flops, Ghandi will free India. As all this is going on, Josh will be completely oblivious. he will singing away as the crew try and pull Will off the set. I want to expose the fact that this is a production; media in the making. I want to expose the industry secrets at the same time creating a fresh, innovative music video. This different approach to the genre not only peels away the layers of media production but hopefully it will be very funny and is a little different to what has gone before.

Thank you.